I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Stepping it Up for My Man

At the end of summer, I had an eye opening experience.  Sadly, I don't remember the exact day or reason... However, one day I dressed just a little nicer than I normally do.  Jason complimented me several times on my appearance.  Enjoying his praise, the next day I stepped it up again.  This time he asked me where I was going that day.  I replied, "No where.  I wanted to dress for you."  The look of appreciation on his face was enough for me. Since that point, I have made a point of dressing in a manner that gets the attention of my man. Now, I am not June Cleaver, but I am trying to put  just a little extra effort into my appearance each day.  

There has been an additional side effect...  Last Friday, I put on a shirt that Jason really liked last year, but this year it is a little big on me (I have been losing weight ... 19 lbs and counting ... Yay!).  I decided it would be ok... after all, I was taking the kids to the park after school so I was going for a casual look anyway.  The problem was, I felt frumpy all day!  I was not pleased with my appearance.  I discovered, I enjoy trying to look my best, and when I don't... I am not comfortable. Needless to say, that shirt is going in the donate pile.  

So, here is my conclusion... 

Jason appreciates the effort I am putting into my appearance, and I appreciate the attention and praise he gives me... It's a Win/Win.

Jason took me shopping and bought this outfit for me... because he appreciated my effort.

I decided to share this after reading Time-Warp Wife's post this morning. I highly recommend you checking it out.  For that matter, I highly recommend her ... She is great!



  1. I am reading Time Warp Wife as well, and I feel really under-dressed since I read it. I will have to start tomorrow, LOL! Good job on losing 19 lbs. Sometimes we forget that God needs us to take care of ourselves while we are taking care of our family.

    Love this post!

  2. I fall short so many times. It's 2:10 and I'm still in my pajamas. You've inspired me to run up and take a shower before the king of my castle gets home! Loved this post!

  3. What a great post! I totally agree. Have you read His Needs/Her Needs? Husbands love for us to be pretty. Of course, the beauty of marriage is that our husbands find us to be gorgeous when we're in pjs and no make-up, but they also appreciate it the extra effort we put into looking nice for them.
