I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Masters and Priorities

Bubba Watson
Winner 2012 Masters

This past weekend was Masters weekend. I realize that may not mean anything to some of you, but it is a BIG deal in the Golf world. Only the best golfers in the world can play the Masters. Our family loves watching the Masters coverage each year. It usually proves to be quite exciting. Again, I realize that not everyone finds golf exciting, and you may be trying to figure out how we stay awake while watching it. This year ended in an amazing shot from the woods onto the green during a playoff. That was even exciting for the poor family members we made sit through it because we were at their house for Easter Sunday.

Bubba Watson was the winner of the 2012 Masters. Now, I was pulling for Phil Mickelson, but was not disappointed with a win for Bubba. Bubba is a long driving good old country boy, who had never won the Masters before. This is what I knew of him before Sunday. However, as we were driving home, I read an article about Bubba Watson.

In the article, it had a line of how Bubba Watson describes himself. Bubba Watson: Christian, husband, father, golfer, owner of General Lee 1. Wow! Did you see that? The winner of the biggest golf tournament in the world lists golfer as number 4 of who he is! Yea, my esteem for Bubba Watson grew by leaps and bounds.

My son dreams of one day playing in the Masters. I don't know God's plans for him. They may include the Masters, and they may not. We spend a lot of time with Ethan on the golf course, but more than that, we spend a lot of time training him up to be the man God would have him be. It is the prayer of both myself and Jason that Ethan has his priorities straight... God before all else. I am thankful for godly role models, like Bubba Watson, Tim Tebow, and others... but it is not their responsibility to raise up our son. That falls squarely on our shoulders. If Ethan has his priorities straight as an adult, it will be because we instilled that into him as a child. It is our desire to lay a firm Christian foundation for him. As he grows and makes choices, he will build upon that foundation... wherever God leads him in his life.

Ethan Eppinette
???? Masters Winner

1 comment:

  1. Kerry, thanks so much for sharing what you've learned about Bubba Watson since he donned that green blazer! I'm always so thrilled when someone of prominence notes God as the priority in their life. It makes our job as parents a little easier in some respects. Enjoy following along with you on Facebook and here.
