Jason and I met while playing church league volley ball. One of the first things I learned about Jason, was that when it is time to get serious about playing, he will turn his hat around backwards. We jokingly call it his rally cap.
This habit has not changed through the years. Whether he is a player or a spectator, if the game gets close, the hat gets turned around. (Let me add here, that in all sports except golf... rally caps and the gentlemen's sport don't mesh. Although, I am sure he has been tempted more than once.)
So why am I telling you this? No, it is not because of my beloved Razorbacks... sadly, I don't think there are enough rally caps in the world to help this season. No, I tell you this because the other night I glanced over at Jason as he was on Facebook, and noticed that he had turned his hat around. He was in a serious debate, and he meant business as he responded to a post.
I often tease Jason about Facebook being his pulpit. I tease, but in truth, I am very proud of him. Jason has a few Facebook friends that are atheists, agnostics, and people who claim to be Christian, but do not adhere to the moral codes as laid out in God's word. When Jason notices a post that is anti-God, he will comment on it. He has been in many debates over the last few years. He has been cursed at, and attacked personally for his Christian, conservative stance. He doesn't back down. He stands his ground, and backs his comments with scripture.
Not only does he debate these people... both his fb friends, and their fb friends ... he prays for these people. He realizes that he may never change the mind of some of the hardcore debaters he faces, but he is planting seeds. Not only is he planting seeds in the hearts and minds of those he is debating with, he is planting seeds in anyone who reads his comments.
I have shared with him before, that I don't know how he does it. It makes me sick at my stomach just thinking about some of the debates he has. The fear of being verbally attacked will often keep me a bay. Instead of studying and being prepared to back up what I believe, I back off. That is not right!
Jason shared something with me the other night that really impacted my way of thinking. He said to imagine what Paul, Peter, John, and the other disciples must have faced. You know they faced opposition to the gospel... yet they stood firm. God has not changed his instructions for us just because we are in the modern world. No, we are to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) With the internet, this command is easier than ever... if we are willing to obey. We are also called to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you."(1 Peter 3:15) To do this, we need to know what we are talking about. We can't rely on feelings or hearsay. We must study, study, study. We must know what the world is saying, and we MUST know what God says. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
We are living in a society where it is not politically correct to speak out about Christian beliefs. Instead of quietly sitting by and letting it continue to happen, we all need to "put on our rally caps," and take a stand for God.