I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Godly Man

My son, Ethan, gave an inspirational speech today about his cousin Daniel. With his permission, I am sharing it with you today. (Please note, this is my typed version based on his outline and comments)
Today I want to tell you about my cousin Daniel Eppinette. 6 years ago, I was the ring bearer at his wedding. Here is a picture of Daniel and his bride on that day. [He shared a wedding picture with his audience] The wedding took place in Fayetteville at a beautiful garden. It rained that morning, and Daniel agreed to pay extra for a tent to be placed over the guest seating. This was a big deal for Daniel, because he was VERY budget oriented. However, by the time of the wedding, the sun was shining, and it was a beautiful day. The tent was not wasted, it offered shade for the guests while they watched the ceremony.

Just over a year ago, I sat on the second row at his funeral. You see, just 6 months after his wedding, Daniel was diagnosed with a rare form of stomach cancer.

Daniel fought for over four long years. He went through several surgeries, and numerous treatments. He did have one summer of remission, before the cancer returned stronger than ever. At the age of 30, my cousin went home to Jesus.

Throughout the 4 years of cancer, I am sure that Daniel must have asked God why? Yet through the pain ... through the surgeries ... through the radiation ... through the chemo ... through the loss of strength ... through the loss of weight ... through the loss of dignity ... Daniel never, NEVER lost his trust in God.

In the Bible, we know of another Daniel. This Daniel did not choose to be taken captive in a foreign land. He did not choose to be removed from his family and all that was familiar to him. He did however choose to trust God, and continue to serve Him no matter the circumstances. Just like Daniel of the Bible, my cousin Daniel, did not choose his circumstances, but he did choose to trust God and continue to serve Him in the midst of his circumstances.

Daniel was a witness to all those around him. Through his sickness, and through his death, Daniel was a testament to his Lord and Savior. Even in his weakest moments, Daniel put others ahead of himself. Each Sunday that Daniel was able to go to church, he could be found at the altar praying. Not for himself, but for his wife, parents, brother, grandparents, and others that were so faithful to help and pray for him. He prayed for his country, and its leadership.

Daniel spent time daily digging into God’s word. He kept a journal not only of his own struggles and emotions, but also of revelations revealed to him through the word of God. He openly shared the gospel with everyone he came in contact with. When Daniel became too weak to read and study himself, he requested that his wife and parents read the Bible to him. There was nothing more dear to him than the word of God. Though Daniel was only 30 when he died, he left a legacy of being a godly man.

Daniel left a great impact on my life ... Not because he was my cousin ... and not because he died of cancer ... Daniel left an impact on my life because of the way that he lived... even when he knew he was dying.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes and chills all over! Thanks to Ethan for this great speech and for giving you permission to post it!!

  2. Thanks, Kerry for sharing. What an awesome testimony to God and how inspiring to see how God has revealed himself to Ethan through his cousin's life. Ethan has such maturity and insight for a young man his age and such a God given gift to be able to express himself by writing. Thanks, Ethan.

  3. So deeply touching. Thanks for sharing. What a blessing for your child's eyes to be opened like that and for having such great Christian examples in his life.

    With Hope,

  4. What a beautiful testimony of a great man, actually 2 great men, Daniel and your son. You must be so proud of him and the way he expressed such a deeply touching chapter in his life. I am so blessed at this moment. Thank you.
