I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reward in Working with Our Hands

Let me begin this blog with a disclosure... I do not wish to do without or suggest that anyone else do without daily conveniences such as dishwashers, washing machines & dryers, etc. ... Now on to the blog...

Early in the week, as I was unloading the dishwasher, I noticed that it had not drained. YUCK! Jason used his shop vac to empty the water and then tried to discover what the problem is. Unfortunately, we discovered another maybe bigger problem. When the previous owners remodeled the kitchen they tiled the floor around the dishwasher. Which means we can't slide the dishwasher out to work on it with out possibly tearing up the floor in the process. Until we figure out what to do, I am hand washing dishes. Because of this, I have made a couple of discoveries.

First, my son had no idea what a dish drain rack was. I haven't needed one during his lifetime. He and I went to the store to purchase one. It took a while to find them, and when we did he said, "Oh, that's what grandmothers use in the kitchen." True enough, both of his grandmothers hand wash their dishes.

The second, and more important discovery I have made is that it is rewarding to hand wash my dishes. Surprisingly, I enjoy cleaning the the kitchen more now than when I was just loading the dishwasher all day, and then running it at night. Before each meal, I run the dish water, wash as I go, and then finish up after we eat.

Now let me explain before you all think I am completely crazy. I don't think this has so much to do with dishes as much as it has to do with keeping my hands busy. God designed us to be "doers". We live in a society that has so many conveniences, we have lost touch with the joy of doing things. Instead of feeling like we have accomplished something, we simply complete a chore.

Conveniences are nice, but what are we freeing up time for? Unfortunately, for many of us, we are freeing up time for the television, the computer, the phone. One area I struggle with is idleness. I have to actively battle this daily. I set my goals each morning. I often feel guilty that I am not doing enough, or that I don't measure up with others. God showed me this week that it is not about guilt. It is about reward. I am truly blessed to be able to work with my hands, and to use them to take care of my family.

In her hand she holds the distaff, and grasps the spindle with her fingers. Proverbs 31:19


  1. I enjoy reading this and completely agree.. In order for me o use my wise timely I do have to make lists and have a plan or I do get side tracked! Nice to know I'm not the only one who struggles!

  2. Most Excellent Post ....I refused a dishwasher for Christmas...not against them but as you I find pleasure and satisifaction in "getting the dishes done". Accomplishment is what I desire!
    Now I do not want to go down to the "crek" to scrub my "drawers" but dishwasher is one convenience I have never truly desired....had one home with one ....but all other as now I washed by hand....! ;0) ... I always loved going to Grandma's house and now my grandchildren come to my house and "my" grandmother is revealed to them through me...I have a stainless steel dish drainer for my dishes that remains in the sink at all times..usually with at least one glass always in it ....enjoyed your post tremendously tonight.

  3. I love my dishwasher, but I, too, could live without it. For me it's the same with baking cookies from scratch for my kids every week for their snacks, planting the garden in a frenzied rush to grow something, or sewing for them with a deadline looming. I think, along with my ADHD tendencies, I have an almost addictive tendency to need to be doing things. God has been slowly breaking me of the frenzied need to be busy all the time. If I just sit and rest, I feel like I'm being lazy, and I admire those who have the spiritual "gift" of rest. It's taken a long time to learn to sit and "be still, and know that He is God." I still struggle with it on a daily basis, but it is truly God's GIFT to us, the freedom to rest in His presence and have fellowship with Him.
