I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I have spent this week leading music at Vacation Bible School. It is both a lot of fun and very tiring. As I question of the various age groups about what they have been learning, I always have children that will answer "Jesus." For those of you that have worked with children at church, you know that is a typical answer for every question. As I was thinking of this last night, it reminded me of something that happened while I was teaching first grade a few years ago.

I had a couple of boys in my class that year that were very smart, very loving, and very active. One of the boys was from a Christian family that was very active in their church. The other boy was from a family that rarely attended church. Even though these boys did not play together much at school, the first boy began inviting the second boy to church on Wednesday nights. The first boy's mom was faithful to go pick up the second boy and his sister every week for church.

One Wednesday in December the second boy came in telling me all about a birthday party he was going to that night. He would say, "It is for some man, I don't remember who, but there will be cake." Now I realize, as a Christian school teacher, I should have put two and two together... I should have realized that it is December, it is a birthday party at church, it must be for Jesus... I should have taken that opportunity to talk to this little guy about Jesus... However, I was busy being a teacher with the demand of a room full of kids, and never made the connection.

All day long, this boy would tell me about this birthday party for some unknown man. And all day long, I would say, "that is very nice, now get back to work." I promise, this exchange went on at least 20 times that day. Finally, as the kids were packing up to go home, this little boy said once again, "I am going to a birthday party tonight. It is for some man, I don't remember who, but there will be cake." However before I could answer, the other boy looked up exasperated, and with a voice that sounded like it started at his toes said, "IT'S JESUS!!!! IT IS A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR JESUS!!!!!"

It never phased the boy excited about the party, however it greatly affected me. You see, I had missed my opportunity to tell this child about Jesus. Jesus is the only answer. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Without Him, you will not get to the Father. So remember, as you go about your day, it is all about Jesus.

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