I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.

Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Be Still ... Really?

This evening I was praying about a situation in our life. I was telling God that I trust Him, I know He has it all under control, and what can I do to fix it? In the midst of my prayer, I heard these words, "Be still, and know that I am God." This is not the first time that these words have been quickened in my spirit. In fact, I hear them quite often! So you would think that when I heard them, I would just say, "Yes sir." I know this is true, but what I really want to yell is "REALLY? Just once can't I have a clear direction on what action I should take?"

I am a take charge, get 'er done, type of gal. For me, "Be still" are the two hardest words in the Bible. Which is possibly why God keeps reminding me of these two words. So, after I quit asking for the flashing yellow arrow to show me the direction, I apologized for not trusting God completely. Then I started laughing. I can just imagine God looking down on me as I pray and Him saying, "REALLY? Can you just once remember what my word tells you to do?"

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do It All for the Glory of God

It is that time of year again... school is letting out, and teenagers are looking for work. I noticed that fact this morning as I was reading status updates on Facebook.

It reminded me of Jason's first job. He was hired by the owner of two convenience stores. His job was to stock and clean. Truthfully, he was more interested in a paycheck than he was the job itself. Admit it, we all have been guilty of that. I don't think he did a bad job, but he did not do his best.

Now before you think I am trying to make my husband look bad, here is the good part... A year, or maybe even two years after that first job, Jason was feeling bad about the quality of work he had done on that first job. So bad in fact, he went back to the store and apologized to the owner for not doing his best work while working for her.

To this day, no matter what Jason is working on, or who he is working for, he is going to do it to the best of his ability. In the latter half of 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says, "whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Jason lives this verse. I love that my children have such an example set before them, and that he challenges me to do the same.

Thank you Jason for walking out your ministry in your day to day life.

Friday, May 13, 2011

It is What it Is!

Tonight was childcare night at the church, and our Sunday School class decided to have a date night. This is where all the couples could drop their kids at the church for free childcare, while they went out on a date.

Childcare is provided from 6:30 - 9:30. Jason and I both had prior commitments until nearly 7:00. However, we figured we could drop the kids off a little late, and still have plenty of time for a nice supper.... or so we thought.

We decided to try a newly opened, locally owned restaurant. I have been seeing posts about it on Facebook, and thought it would be a nice place for a date with my man. Yes, this was my suggestion, so I can't blame anyone else.

We arrived a few minutes past 8:00 p.m. As we were seated, in a NOT busy restaurant, we noticed that people were leaving before eating much of their meals... should have been a sign! We had plenty of time to peruse the menu, as the waitress did not return to take our order until 8:25. At that point I asked Jason what time it was because I had a feeling that our meal would not be quick.

By 9:00 we were laughing about having to "two fist" our meals down in order to pick the kids up on time. By 9:10, we were asking the waitress to have the cooks make our meals to go. By 9:20, the waitress has taken our debit card, and still not brought our food. By 9:23, I am leaving Jason at the restaurant to go get the kids... which thankfully they brought our food and returned the debit card before I got completely out of the parking lot. By the way, we paid full price, they did not offer a discount.

We did make it to pick up the kids on time... or close... thankfully, we were not the last parents to arrive. With kids in tow, we headed home to have our supper at 10:00. As we sat down and opened our meals, we discovered that my ribeye tacos were not done... as my 10 year old boy put it, "They were cold and bloody." There is just something nasty about a blood soaked tortilla ... needless to say I did not eat my meal. Jason had ordered Cajun chicken with pene pasta ... we shared his bowtie pasta meal. The pasta was good. I didn't try the chicken. After seeing my meal, I was a little leery of the chicken.

The restaurant could have ruined our evening... we could have been miserable and cranky. We could have griped out the waitress, hostess, and owner... a few others were doing that. I admit, there have been times in my past when I have done just that. However, tonight we chose instead to just go with it. It is what it is, and our fussing would not have changed anything. The people dealing with us knew we were not satisfied with the service we received, and yet we maintained a pleasant attitude. Jason and I did enjoy a quiet visit, and we discovered a restaurant that we won't be returning to.

As I think back over the evening, I can't help but smile... It was not the date I had planned, but it was an evening alone with my man. For that I am thankful.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


If you read my previous blog, you know that my family has had a tiring weekend. We got home last night both physically and emotionally drained. We all went to bed early, and the kids slept in. After they were up, I decided to get a shower. As I was enjoying the water washing away not only my physical grime, but also my emotional grime, I hear Erin running into the bathroom needing something. I told her I would be out soon, and would help her then. It was not a minute later and I hear Ethan hollering into the bathroom. Once again I tell him to wait.

It was at that point that I started thinking, "Good grief! I can't even take a shower without..." Before I could finish that thought God brought to my mind this thought... "You have a sister and a sister-in-law that would love to be interrupted by their sons." Talk about a sobering moment.

Now would I have enjoyed a shower that was uninterrupted? Yes. But, I am most thankful that I still have those "interruptions" with me. It is my prayer that I can be patient during the interruptions, and that I remember to enjoy all these moments that God has given me with my children.