Golf is a game of many rules. Granted, I personally believe that some of those rules are stupid, but never the less, they are the rules. Unlike most sports, golf is a game that does not have referees or umpires. If you break a rule, you must call it on yourself. That is why golf is also a game of integrity.
Ethan is playing the North Texas Junior PGA tour this summer. Jason acts as his caddy on most events. If Jason is not available, then the job falls to me. Jason is well versed in the rules of golf. Because of this, there have been a couple of occasions where Ethan has broke one of the rules not realizing it. Jason has pointed it out to him, and Ethan has taken the penalty strokes. Even though this is the correct thing, I don't always have good feelings toward Jason for pointing this out while in tournament. I have reasoned, that he could just mention it to him later. That way Ethan would know the rule in the future, but not be penalized. However, that would not be the correct thing to do. After all, we want to instill good character in our son. Jason is doing the right thing.
Earlier this week, Ethan observed another player breaking one of the rules. He recognized it, because it is one of the things he had done in an earlier tournament. I immediately jumped on the "justice bandwagon." You know, what is fair for one is fair for everyone. I wanted that kid to receive penalty strokes. I even went so far as to tell Jason that if that kid didn't receive the strokes, Jason would have to apologize to Ethan for making him take them in another tournament. I know... I think I was missing the point in all this... but it is hard to back a mother hen down when she feels her chick has been harmed.
Ethan on the other hand was not out for justice. He instead gave mercy. He pointed out to the other player what he was doing wrong. Then he told him that because he didn't know the rule, he would not call him on it.
Isn't that exactly what God does for us. When the world cries out for justice, God grants mercy. And because of this, we should be willing to grant mercy to others. We always want to receive mercy, but are we ready to grant it? Obviously, I need a little more work in this area.
Ethan has declared since he was 4 years old that he would be a missionary on the golf course. I think he is meeting his call. What do you think?
:-). Good stuff!