Though we both were praying for direction, for guidance, for deliverance... we both were also miserable. Jason, who is prone to worry (although this area has improved greatly) was trying desperately to "fix" the situation we were in. I am just the opposite of Jason, the forever optimist. I was trying to encourage him. However, I was not encouraging in a way that helped him. I was trying to give him pep talks. But to him, it seemed more like I was reprimanding him for not letting his worry go. I should have been listening instead of talking. Giving counsel instead of telling what I thought he was doing wrong.
One night, Jason said or did something that made me laugh. Not just a little snicker, but a real laugh. The type that brought tears to my eyes and made me lose my breath. I don't remember what it was, and truthfully, it probably wasn't that funny. However, it made us both laugh hard and long. He was mostly laughing a me... but still laughing.
As the laughter finished, we both realized that we had not laughed together in months! We missed it. That little bit of laughter turned around our whole attitudes. We sat down and discussed our situation. Prayed together, and trusted God together. Our whole outlook changed... and our circumstances began to change as well.
I recently saw this picture on Facebook:
I am here to testify that yes, laughter does make marriage better.
Proverbs 17:22(NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.