In the time span of just over eight years, Jason and I have had two nephews go home to heaven. The first, was quick. A rainy day car wreck took the life of our 12 year old nephew Hamp. The second was a long fought battle. Cancer took the life of our 30 year old nephew Daniel. Our hearts break for our loss, but more so for the loss felt by their parents, siblings, grandparents, and in Daniel's case, his spouse.
Hamp died in February 2003. This young man had a heart of gold, a love for life, and yes, just a slight mischievous nature. One of the things I admire most about Hamp, is that he was a great friend. He didn't make friends based upon outward appearance or status. Instead, he looked to the heart of the person. He impacted the lives of many children just by being a friend.
Daniel just passed away on Friday. He battled cancer for over four years. Daniel was an amazing man of faith and strength. Throughout this battle, he never gave up, and he never turned from God. We watched as his body grew weaker, yet his faith grew ever stronger. Through his suffering he ministers to so many.
I am blessed to have had both of these young men as my nephews. I thank God for the fond memories, and lessons I glean from them. Though my heart aches, I truly rejoice for both of these men. I look forward with assurance to the day that I will see them again.
I am no longer the things of my past...I am the daughter of the Great I AM.
Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
2 Corithians 6:18
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
What are you Advertising?

Jason recently added a truck wrap to his truck to advertise our business. As you can tell by the picture, it really makes quite a statement when you see it. Everytime I drive his truck, I find myself even more concious of how I drive. I make sure I come to a complete stop at stop signs. I double check that I am correctly between the lines when parking. I use my blinker every time... even to change lanes. Now, please don't think I am a sloppy driver normally. However when driving around with your name and phone number (or in my case my husbands phone number) printed boldly across your truck, it makes you think a little more about the little things. Truthfully, I should be aware these things all the time, but for some reason I am not as concerned when I am driving "anonymously."
As I was thinking about this, I realized that there are many Christians who act this same way... including myself at times. When we are at church or around Christian friends, we concentrate more on acting like Jesus. However, when we are in the world, we tend to get a little sloppy. As Christians, we are set apart. The fruit we produce advertises who we are. Are we advertising for Jesus? Or are we anonymous? ... Or, maybe worse, are we proclaiming to be for Jesus, but the fruit we produce is advertising the world? So, I leave you, and myself, with this question, "What are you advertising?"
Friday, April 22, 2011
Birthday Blessings!
This has been a busy week for the Eppinette Household. Ethan turned 11 on Monday, and Erin turned 6 on Thursday. Jason and I have both spent the week wondering where the years have gone. Jason and I are thankful daily for these two gifts that God has entrusted us with.
Ethan came into this world ready to run. While other parents had these sweet little lap babies that would sit and play, we had the lap stander! We had to fight him even to feed him. He wanted to be up, moving, and knowing what was going on. He did not want to miss a thing! He started walking at 9 months and hasn't slowed down. He has a desire to know what is going on in the world, he has an opinion about it, and he is more than willing to share it.
Erin, though a little more laid back than Ethan, came into this world ready to dance her way through it. She is my "artsy" girl. She can create anything if you give her paper, markers, scissors, and lots of tape. She doesn't need songs written by others, she makes her own up and sings them loudly. She has a passion for all things beautiful in life.
Both of our children are loud, active, and loving. They can also be sassy and willful, but I am often humbled by the tenderness of their hearts. I pray daily that God will show Jason and I exactly how we are to raise them.
I am so thankful that both Ethan and Erin accepted Christ at early ages. Now, as their parents, it is our job to disciple them as they grow not only physically, but spiritually. I know that God has great plans for both of them, and I want to be a part in planting the seeds that sprouts into those plans.
Ethan came into this world ready to run. While other parents had these sweet little lap babies that would sit and play, we had the lap stander! We had to fight him even to feed him. He wanted to be up, moving, and knowing what was going on. He did not want to miss a thing! He started walking at 9 months and hasn't slowed down. He has a desire to know what is going on in the world, he has an opinion about it, and he is more than willing to share it.
Erin, though a little more laid back than Ethan, came into this world ready to dance her way through it. She is my "artsy" girl. She can create anything if you give her paper, markers, scissors, and lots of tape. She doesn't need songs written by others, she makes her own up and sings them loudly. She has a passion for all things beautiful in life.
Both of our children are loud, active, and loving. They can also be sassy and willful, but I am often humbled by the tenderness of their hearts. I pray daily that God will show Jason and I exactly how we are to raise them.
I am so thankful that both Ethan and Erin accepted Christ at early ages. Now, as their parents, it is our job to disciple them as they grow not only physically, but spiritually. I know that God has great plans for both of them, and I want to be a part in planting the seeds that sprouts into those plans.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Who is Really Sacrificing?
As a stay at home wife and mom, I am often asked if I believe that the sacrifices we make as a family are really worth it. My answer, and my husband's answer, is an overwhelming YES! As I have thought about this, I have often wondered, what is the real sacrifice? Nancy Leigh DeMoss addresses this very question in her book "Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free." I want to share a portion of this book with you that I think answers that question.
"I have a number of close friends who have chosen for the mother to stay at home with the children. No, it's not easy; they don't have a lot of material things many people consider necessities today. Yes, they make sacrifices - in a sense; but the sacrifices pale beside what they are gaining in exchange. In virtually every case,
*these families are content and have joy;
*they have a better sense about values and the things that really matter than do many two-income families;
*they have learned how to pray and depend on God for everything from 'daily bread' to college tuition;
*the parents know where their children are and are able to monitor and direct their activities;
*the parents and children have close, loving relationships with each other;
they are actively involved in serving others in practical ways that many families don't have time (or energy) to do when both parents are working outside the home.
Now you tell me - who is really sacrificing?"
This excerpt comes from Lie #20, A Career Outside the Home is More Valuable and Fulfilling than Being a Wife and Mother
I highly reccomend reading this book. It discusses and counters with scripture 40 lies that as women we believe.
"I have a number of close friends who have chosen for the mother to stay at home with the children. No, it's not easy; they don't have a lot of material things many people consider necessities today. Yes, they make sacrifices - in a sense; but the sacrifices pale beside what they are gaining in exchange. In virtually every case,
*these families are content and have joy;
*they have a better sense about values and the things that really matter than do many two-income families;
*they have learned how to pray and depend on God for everything from 'daily bread' to college tuition;
*the parents know where their children are and are able to monitor and direct their activities;
*the parents and children have close, loving relationships with each other;
they are actively involved in serving others in practical ways that many families don't have time (or energy) to do when both parents are working outside the home.
Now you tell me - who is really sacrificing?"
This excerpt comes from Lie #20, A Career Outside the Home is More Valuable and Fulfilling than Being a Wife and Mother
I highly reccomend reading this book. It discusses and counters with scripture 40 lies that as women we believe.
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Yes, I Spend All Day with My Kids."
This afternoon, while Erin was in ballet, Ethan and I were in the waiting room with other mothers and brothers. Ethan is a very social young man, and will carry on a conversation with anyone. He was chatting about school, and one mom asked him where he attended. He said he was homeschooled. Immediately, that mom looked at me ... wide eyed and one eyebrow raised ... her voice sounding with both shock and sarcasm ... and asked, "You spend all day with your kids?"
Doing my best not to laugh at her expression, I replied, "Yes, I spend all day with my kids." I did explain that some days I need time to myself, and when Jason gets home in the evening I close the door to my room and just have some quiet time. However, those days are rare. You see, the truth is, I like my kids. I truly love spending all day, everyday with them.
I am doing exactly what God has called me to do. He has entrusted Jason and I with two very precious gifts. He has charged us to train them up in the way they should go. For us, that means homeschool. I realize that not everyone agrees with homeschool, and they have their arguments against it. That's fine. I could debate and answer back, but the truth is it doesn't matter. Jason and I are the ones who have to stand before God and answer for what He has called us to do.
Now, before anybody thinks that I am venting or upset, I am not. As a matter of fact, this blog truly has nothing to do with homeschooling. Here is the point... I am doing what God has called me to do. Has God called you to do something? Are you doing it? Are you avoiding it? Are you prepared to stand before God and answer for it?
Doing my best not to laugh at her expression, I replied, "Yes, I spend all day with my kids." I did explain that some days I need time to myself, and when Jason gets home in the evening I close the door to my room and just have some quiet time. However, those days are rare. You see, the truth is, I like my kids. I truly love spending all day, everyday with them.
I am doing exactly what God has called me to do. He has entrusted Jason and I with two very precious gifts. He has charged us to train them up in the way they should go. For us, that means homeschool. I realize that not everyone agrees with homeschool, and they have their arguments against it. That's fine. I could debate and answer back, but the truth is it doesn't matter. Jason and I are the ones who have to stand before God and answer for what He has called us to do.
Now, before anybody thinks that I am venting or upset, I am not. As a matter of fact, this blog truly has nothing to do with homeschooling. Here is the point... I am doing what God has called me to do. Has God called you to do something? Are you doing it? Are you avoiding it? Are you prepared to stand before God and answer for it?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Reward in Working with Our Hands
Let me begin this blog with a disclosure... I do not wish to do without or suggest that anyone else do without daily conveniences such as dishwashers, washing machines & dryers, etc. ... Now on to the blog...
Early in the week, as I was unloading the dishwasher, I noticed that it had not drained. YUCK! Jason used his shop vac to empty the water and then tried to discover what the problem is. Unfortunately, we discovered another maybe bigger problem. When the previous owners remodeled the kitchen they tiled the floor around the dishwasher. Which means we can't slide the dishwasher out to work on it with out possibly tearing up the floor in the process. Until we figure out what to do, I am hand washing dishes. Because of this, I have made a couple of discoveries.
First, my son had no idea what a dish drain rack was. I haven't needed one during his lifetime. He and I went to the store to purchase one. It took a while to find them, and when we did he said, "Oh, that's what grandmothers use in the kitchen." True enough, both of his grandmothers hand wash their dishes.
The second, and more important discovery I have made is that it is rewarding to hand wash my dishes. Surprisingly, I enjoy cleaning the the kitchen more now than when I was just loading the dishwasher all day, and then running it at night. Before each meal, I run the dish water, wash as I go, and then finish up after we eat.
Now let me explain before you all think I am completely crazy. I don't think this has so much to do with dishes as much as it has to do with keeping my hands busy. God designed us to be "doers". We live in a society that has so many conveniences, we have lost touch with the joy of doing things. Instead of feeling like we have accomplished something, we simply complete a chore.
Conveniences are nice, but what are we freeing up time for? Unfortunately, for many of us, we are freeing up time for the television, the computer, the phone. One area I struggle with is idleness. I have to actively battle this daily. I set my goals each morning. I often feel guilty that I am not doing enough, or that I don't measure up with others. God showed me this week that it is not about guilt. It is about reward. I am truly blessed to be able to work with my hands, and to use them to take care of my family.
In her hand she holds the distaff, and grasps the spindle with her fingers. Proverbs 31:19
Early in the week, as I was unloading the dishwasher, I noticed that it had not drained. YUCK! Jason used his shop vac to empty the water and then tried to discover what the problem is. Unfortunately, we discovered another maybe bigger problem. When the previous owners remodeled the kitchen they tiled the floor around the dishwasher. Which means we can't slide the dishwasher out to work on it with out possibly tearing up the floor in the process. Until we figure out what to do, I am hand washing dishes. Because of this, I have made a couple of discoveries.
First, my son had no idea what a dish drain rack was. I haven't needed one during his lifetime. He and I went to the store to purchase one. It took a while to find them, and when we did he said, "Oh, that's what grandmothers use in the kitchen." True enough, both of his grandmothers hand wash their dishes.
The second, and more important discovery I have made is that it is rewarding to hand wash my dishes. Surprisingly, I enjoy cleaning the the kitchen more now than when I was just loading the dishwasher all day, and then running it at night. Before each meal, I run the dish water, wash as I go, and then finish up after we eat.
Now let me explain before you all think I am completely crazy. I don't think this has so much to do with dishes as much as it has to do with keeping my hands busy. God designed us to be "doers". We live in a society that has so many conveniences, we have lost touch with the joy of doing things. Instead of feeling like we have accomplished something, we simply complete a chore.
Conveniences are nice, but what are we freeing up time for? Unfortunately, for many of us, we are freeing up time for the television, the computer, the phone. One area I struggle with is idleness. I have to actively battle this daily. I set my goals each morning. I often feel guilty that I am not doing enough, or that I don't measure up with others. God showed me this week that it is not about guilt. It is about reward. I am truly blessed to be able to work with my hands, and to use them to take care of my family.
In her hand she holds the distaff, and grasps the spindle with her fingers. Proverbs 31:19
Friday, April 1, 2011
Thanks to seize the deal, we have discovered The Cobbler Shoppe. It is a great little sandwich shop within walking distance of our house. It is a beautiful day, and I had one more voucher, so the kids and I walked there for lunch. On Fridays, they offer a hot plate lunch. Today was meatloaf. I tried it, and it was very good. Anytime I have meatloaf, I am reminded of MY meatloaf story.
When Jason and I first got married, Jason was a very picky eater. So our menus consisted of hamburgers, tacos, pizza, chili, spaghetti ... get the picture? After a while, I was craving "real" food. I began trying out different meals. Jason would always try them. If he liked it we would add that to our menus, if he didn't, I would not make them again. By the way, he is now a very good eater. He will even occasionally try things that I won't.
One day, I found a really good recipe in Southern Living for meatloaf. I was so excited, because I love meatloaf. That evening I worked hard on preparing the meatloaf. When Jason got home, it was in the oven and I was preparing the side dishes. I told him that I was trying a new recipe, and that I hoped he liked it. Before I even told him what it was, he said, "I'll try anything, as long as it is not meatloaf." I was deflated! I prepared him a sandwich and I ate meatloaf for a week by myself. I have never made meatloaf again... I am sure I never will.
We have laughed about that many times through the years. I am glad we can. Thankfully, I did not take the rejection personally. This time, I realized that he was rejecting the meatloaf, not me. Unfortunately, there have been other times that I did not react so well. As women, we sometimes forget that men pretty much mean what they say. We instead put all kinds of hidden meanings into statements made by our husbands. Admit it ladies, we can dream up some doozeys when we want to.
I am troubled by the amount of divorces and separations I have been seeing recently. If we look closely, many marital problems begin with something just as simple as meatloaf. It is what we choose to make of them, and how far we choose to let it go, that can be dangerous. It is amazing what a simple conversation (not argument) can do. You have to make that choice, "I am not going to argue." If you can't do that by yourselves, find a good Christian counselor that can help you. Now I realize that there are some issues out there that are much more serious, and need to be dealt with cautiously and quickly. If you are in one of those situations, seek sound Christian help.
Here is just some basic advice for a good marriage...
1. Make sure your marriage is built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.
2. Treat each other with respect, love and honesty.
3. Don't let the little things fester into big things.
And for me...
4. Don't make meatloaf! ;D
When Jason and I first got married, Jason was a very picky eater. So our menus consisted of hamburgers, tacos, pizza, chili, spaghetti ... get the picture? After a while, I was craving "real" food. I began trying out different meals. Jason would always try them. If he liked it we would add that to our menus, if he didn't, I would not make them again. By the way, he is now a very good eater. He will even occasionally try things that I won't.
One day, I found a really good recipe in Southern Living for meatloaf. I was so excited, because I love meatloaf. That evening I worked hard on preparing the meatloaf. When Jason got home, it was in the oven and I was preparing the side dishes. I told him that I was trying a new recipe, and that I hoped he liked it. Before I even told him what it was, he said, "I'll try anything, as long as it is not meatloaf." I was deflated! I prepared him a sandwich and I ate meatloaf for a week by myself. I have never made meatloaf again... I am sure I never will.
We have laughed about that many times through the years. I am glad we can. Thankfully, I did not take the rejection personally. This time, I realized that he was rejecting the meatloaf, not me. Unfortunately, there have been other times that I did not react so well. As women, we sometimes forget that men pretty much mean what they say. We instead put all kinds of hidden meanings into statements made by our husbands. Admit it ladies, we can dream up some doozeys when we want to.
I am troubled by the amount of divorces and separations I have been seeing recently. If we look closely, many marital problems begin with something just as simple as meatloaf. It is what we choose to make of them, and how far we choose to let it go, that can be dangerous. It is amazing what a simple conversation (not argument) can do. You have to make that choice, "I am not going to argue." If you can't do that by yourselves, find a good Christian counselor that can help you. Now I realize that there are some issues out there that are much more serious, and need to be dealt with cautiously and quickly. If you are in one of those situations, seek sound Christian help.
Here is just some basic advice for a good marriage...
1. Make sure your marriage is built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.
2. Treat each other with respect, love and honesty.
3. Don't let the little things fester into big things.
And for me...
4. Don't make meatloaf! ;D
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